Exhibit Title: Watercolor and Wood by Karin Sebolka and George Jones III
Show Dates: September 5 – October 1, 2023
Artist’s Reception: Saturday, September 9, 2023, 1-4pm
About the Artists:
Karin Sebolka was a student at the Corcoran Art School, WA, moved to South Korea and studied Chinese Calligraphy and Brush Painting for 2 years. Back in Virginia she took many classes and workshops through the Potomac Valley Watercolor Society she had been juried in. Her favorite media – watercolor. She joined the Loft Gallery in Occoquan many years ago. Her paintings in the gallery and in her studio at the Loft Gallery Art Center reflect her love for nature. The landscapes and waterscapes are inspired by trips she took. The flowers are set up in front of her easel. Shapes, color, and composition are important while creating.
Artist’s website: KarinSebolka.com – permission granted for reprinting of images. For further information or an interview call the
Loft Gallery 703-490-1117 and/or email Karin Sebolka directly at karinsebolka@gmail.com
Since the introduction to the craft of woodturning, over 17 years ago, George has had the opportunity to study under a number of internationally renowned wood artists. “All of my pieces are unique, from bowls to wall art. Each tells a story and are important to me. Hopefully the love and fulfillment I gain from creating each piece is apparent and brings enjoyment to those who see them. The best thing about being an artist is the gift of learning and growing from each piece. Each piece of artwork pushes me to grow and embrace new ideas.”