Kaja Kool – 3D Artist

Growing up in western Massachusetts, Kaja was surrounded by a family where all three of her sisters were involved in visual arts, either professionally or as a hobby. Despite taking various art classes, nothing initially clicked for her. After graduating from college, she moved to the DC area and put down roots. Following 12 years as a management consultant, she left the profession to raise her two sons.

Once both sons were in school, Kaja began learning pottery. She was drawn to the pottery wheel, enjoying the specific steps required to form clay into desired shapes. She discovered a love for the challenge of creating pieces that are both functional and beautiful within these rules. This often led her to create clean and simple shapes, focusing on ease of use while striving for elegance.

In glazing, Kaja finds much of her inspiration in nature, often returning to botanical motifs. Birch trees, in particular, are a favorite and an indelible part of her Estonian heritage, frequently appearing in her designs. Embracing the infinite possibilities of clay, she continues to take classes to learn new techniques, forms, and processes to incorporate into her art. Joining the Loft Gallery marks her first foray into exhibiting and selling her work.

Previous gallery MAUREEN STOREY – Fused Glass – 3D
Next gallery MARISELA RUMBERG – Fiber Art, Quilter


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